Special Community Holy Hour in Union with Rorate Mass in Sacred Heart Cathedral

A HandmaidNews, HPB Vocations

As the only cloistered nuns in East Tennessee the Handmaids of the Precious Blood will remain at Cor Jesu Monastery but unite spiritually by having a special community holy hour of Eucharistic adoration at the same time as the Rorate Mass.  In particular, we will remember all our fellow consecrated religious as well as the formal intention of prayers for the next Bishop appointed to lead the Church in Knoxville.

Aspirant Chrissy Dons Handmaid Colors

A HandmaidNews, HPB Vocations

Aspirant Chrissy can testify to the prayer and hard work with the Labouré Society that enabled her to finally enter our formation discernment group. Not only did she work hard, attend Labouré boot camps, help fund raise for her Labouré Aspirant classes, and attend to her many responsibilities but she also worked through the various phases of Handmaid Aspirancy both …

Aspirant Chrissy Finally Comes to Stay: Perseverance 101

A HandmaidNews, HPB Vocations

In the world of vocational discernment you may often hear the advice, “Pray for the grace of perseverance.” Usually it’s applied to one’s entire life journey all the way to ‘final perseverance’ when we breathe our last, but the early stages of religious life particularly need this grace as well. Chrissy had a sort of introductory course, Perseverance 101, as …

Matins and Hurricane Idalia

A HandmaidNews, HPB Vocations

If we needed any reminders that God is in charge of everything in this universe, we only needed to look at the readings from the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) for Matins. This is typically prayed in the morning and its hymns, psalms, antiphons, readings and prayers for Wednesday were selected long ago by Holy Mother Church. Yet its …


A HandmaidHPB Vocations, News

We have been blessed with young women visiting us this summer as they seek to discern God’s will for their lives. It is always an honor and privilege to assist souls who are opening themselves to the joys and the challenges of vocational discernment. Each journey is as unique as the individual. We are just as happy to help a …

The Heliotropium In The Garden

A HandmaidHPB Vocations, News

Our Novice Mistress has the novices, and any discerning guests, learning about the spiritual benefits of gardening as well as culinary should the harvest be abundant enough. But on a strictly spiritual level sunflowers are good models for us. Jeremias Drexelius wrote The Heliotropium, or Conformity of the Human Will to the Divine around 1630.  The sunflower that follows the …

Congratulations Chrissy Tworek!

A HandmaidHPB Vocations, News

Class-24_Vocation-Story_Web_Tworek-Chrissy.pdf Join us as we congratulate our Aspirant Chrissy for completing the Labouré Society program in offsetting her academic debts in order to pursue a religious vocation. If you haven’t heard about Labouré, please visit their website where you can see how their model of fundraising works for each class. You can learn about each aspirant class, as well as …

May She Know Your Pleasure, Lord

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, HPB Vocations, News

“Almighty God, we ask you to bless your daughter, Sister Mary Genevieve, for 60 years she has devoted herself to you. During the 60 years she has been united and hidden through Christ with you. And countless times everyday she has said yes to your invitation to prayer, to sacrifice, to adoration, to give herself for priests. May she know …

What? ANOTHER Diamond Jubilee?!

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, HISTORY, HPB Vocations

A Diamond Jubilee can refer to either a 75 year anniversary or a 60 year anniversary. And we’ve got a 60th to rejoice in. Sister Mary Genevieve of the Will of God marks her Diamond Jubilee this year, still joyfully serving God as his Handmaid of the Precious Blood. She received her name and habit from Father Gerald himself in …

Gardening Is Good For The Soul

A HandmaidHPB Vocations, News

Yes, gardening is good for the soul and a raised bed is good for the back. Earlier this year the Formation Group began working two raised beds just outside Saint Joseph Hermitage. We are happy to share that the first (rationed) harvest was enjoyed by the community recently and featured sugar snap peas. They were flavorful and delicious and cooked …

Farewell Bride of Christ: Funeral Mass and Burial for Sister Mary Magdalen, HPB

A HandmaidHPB Vocations, News

If the Holy Spirit seemed eager to claim his beloved one on the Solemnity of Pentecost, he seemed just as eager to arrange for her beautiful farewell. Bishop Stika came to celebrate her Mass of Christian Burial on Friday June 2nd, 2023. But before that could happen, we would have to improvise a Chapel in our Chapter/Refectory/Reading Room while also …

A New Novice: Sister Francis Clare of the Eternal High Priest

A HandmaidHPB Vocations, News

On Wednesday May 17th, Postulant Shannon was clothed as a Handmaid of the Precious Blood and formally received her name in religion as Sister Francis Clare of the Eternal High Priest. The ceremony took place before Our Lord in Chapel prior to Benediction and Mass and we share some photos from the special day as she received her blessed habit, …