A Snapshot of our Vocation for Priests
We are dedicated to the sanctification of priests and live an intense life of prayer centered around the Eucharist. Visit
Number in Community: 13 Professed
Foundation: May 25th, 1947 (Pentecost Sunday) by Father Gerald M.C. Fitzgerald, s.P.
Represented in US Diocese: Knoxville, TN with our motherhouse located in New Market, TN.
Mission Statement/Description: The Handmaids of the Precious Blood are cloistered contemplatives dedicated to the honor, praise and worship of God. By our hidden apostolate, we extend the arms of prayer and sacrifice around the world, with a special solicitude for God’s priests. A Pontifical community, our love for the Church is expressed in unswerving loyalty and fidelity to the Holy Father. Eucharistic adoration is a special aspect of our ecclesial mission.
Qualifications for Entry: Good physical and mental health with sufficient emotional maturity to live a joyful monastic community life. Basic vocal musical ability is required. U.S. Citizenship and fluency in the English language required. Candidates must also be free from all canonical impediments.
Formation Program: Our Aspirancy Program consists of at least 12 months of spiritual and human formation, and our Postulancy one to two years. The Novitiate has a duration of two years and the Juniorate a total of five years. Initial Formation, therefore, will be no less than nine years and not more than twelve.
Age Range: 19 – 40. We do accept belated vocations [ages 41-50] though they are by exception. Transfers from other religious communities are possible.
Vocational Inquirers: We are looking for women of deep faith who have the willed desire to give themselves utterly and totally to Christ in lasting commitment for the sake of His Priests. If you are discerning a call to the religious life and feel as though you may have a call to our community, please send us your contact information and we will be in touch with you.
Some aspects of our Life:
Love of the Mass: We treasure the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the highest act of worship offered to the Blessed Trinity. There is no greater gift on earth or a more efficacious prayer for the salvation of souls.
Eucharistic Adoration: As our Founder so clearly stated, our life “is tied, anchored, bound, fastened, and focused in the Blessed Sacrament.” This is our apostolate, which allows us to extend our love for Jesus and our gratitude to Him to every hour of the day and night. Each Sister enjoys at least one daily Holy Hour in addition to several nocturnal Holy Hours each week.
Divine Office: The entire Liturgy of the Hours in English is chanted daily in chapel together by all the Sisters. The Divine Office is prayed in common daily before Our Lord.
Love of Our Blessed Mother and the Rosary: We have a deep, filial love for Mary, the first Handmaid of the Lord. We seek to imitate her fiat and contemplate Christ with her in faith, particularly in the Rosary we pray daily in community before Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Personal Prayer: Since prayer is the life and strength of our own souls, and the soul of our apostolate, we take seriously the need and the importance of faithful, daily communion with God.
Spiritual Reading: Every day we set aside dedicated time to prayerfully read Sacred Scripture and other holy works.
Silence: Our practice of silence is a means for preparing us for communion with the living God. Interpersonal relationships also have a place as we live our community life in charity and self-forgetfulness.
Religious Habit: We wear a full length wine red habit, a scapular with an attached Trinitarian emblem, a long white veil, cincture, and Rosary. The wine red color symbolizes the Precious Blood and our white veil symbolizes the Eucharist. A simple silver ring depicting two hearts surrounding a chalice is worn by perpetually professed Sisters.
Spirit: Pro Christo In Sacerdote Suo. For Christ In His Priest. Our spirit is that of unbounded love of Jesus Christ in His Priests. All that we do, in union with and in imitation of the Precious Blood, is directed so that priests be holy priests. We offer ourselves in immolation and reparation for all priests, particularly for those who have lost sight of their sublime calling, praying for the grace of their conversion. We sacrifice our lives completely for the souls of priests, mindful of the vast numbers of souls just one priest can influence in his lifetime.
Handmaids of the Precious Blood
Cor Jesu Monastery
596 Callaway Ridge
New Market, TN 37820
** For Vocation Inquiries, please email or write.
- A Vocation For Priests
- Elevation at Mass
- Several times a week, Handmaids enjoy individual hours of nocturnal adoration
- Alone with the Lord at Nocturnal Adoration
- Our Mother of Sorrows at the Foot of the Cross
- A Handmaid attends to spiritual reading in chapel.
- The entire Divine Office is prayed in common daily.
- We pray the Liturgy of the Hours Before Our Lord
- The Rosary is prayed in common.
- Yes, the Crown of Thorns is real.
- Habit, Veil, Rosary for Blessing
- Habit Side Rosary
- On her vow day, flowers for her King
- A real crown of thorns worn by Handmaids on the day of their Final Profession of Vows.
- Profession rings are engraved with JOY Semper (Jesus Only You)
- Ring of a Finally Professed Handmaid of the Precious Blood
- Trinitarian emblem worn over the heart.
- Crown of Thorns worn at Final Profession
- Seal and Emblem of the Community