Handmaids of the Precious Blood answer real questions about our life…
What drew you to the Handmaids?
“The Servant of God Father John A. Hardon, S.J.”

Father Hardon with Mother John Paul and Sister Marietta in 1998 at Cor Jesu Monastery in New Mexico.
“Their charism of giving their lives to Christ to sanctify priests and doing it through Adoration hand in hand with the Mother of God.”
What are you most grateful for regarding your Founder, Father Gerald Fitzgerald, s.P.?
“His gift of charism in his love for our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and the Priesthood, realizing that it is fidelity to prayer, especially before our Lord’s Real Presence, that will keep the priest’s faith strong, enabling him to serve with Christ’s Love. I’m also deeply grateful to Father Gerald for never lowering his ideals regarding his Handmaids and the goal of their spiritual life…full union with God on earth.”
What surprised you most about the Handmaid way of life when you entered?
“The warmth. The JOY of the Sisters. The down-to-earth humanness of the Community. Nobody is walking around here with a pre-shined halo but everybody is trying to help everyone become a Saint.”
“That the Sisters were not “mysterious creatures” who were perfectly living it all the time; but Sisters who were continually striving for perfection despite their weaknesses and faults. That encouraged me.”
Was there anything that fit your expectations you had before entering based on what you had learned about the Handmaids?
“The Adoration. I knew it was central but when I saw it in action it was so clear that it was the life breath of this Community. Without Jesus in the Eucharist, these Sisters would shrivel up. Period.”
If a woman thought she might be called to religious life and was considering it might be to the Handmaids of the Precious Blood, what advice would you give?
“First, if she feels even the least inclination, to investigate it. Pray and attend the Sacraments regularly and listen for God’s Voice in all the various ways it comes to us. But in order to help in the discernment process, obtain an authentically Catholic spiritual director….
A woman should ask herself if she would be willing to suffer for the Lord, for Christ in His Priest; and if she is willing to embrace the same sufferings as Jesus Crucified.”
What is your favorite joy of each day as a Handmaid?
“Knowing God is taking my life as an offering with His Supreme Offering for the salvation of souls.”
“The Mass! The Divine Office! Holy Hours of Adoration! Living with Jesus 24/7…OK…my favorite part is everything!”
“Realizing I get to have the privilege of living with my Sisters. I get to live day in and day out with women who love Jesus!”
If you could say anything to a priest who is struggling to remain faithful to his priestly promises and his vocation, what would you say?
“The servant is not above his Master” (John 15:20) Pray, pray, pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen your Faith, Hope, and Love. Know that your happiness lies in being conformed to the Master. Sanctity always entails a white martyrdom: heroic virtue to which you are called. Realize that no one is as dear to God as his priests and that he has chosen you to his his intimate friend, to go and bear much fruit for the glory of God and your own salvation.”
If you could say anything to the good, holy, and faithful priest who is bearing the burden of the constant negative portrayal of the priesthood from the fallout of the scandals, what would you say?
“Know that you are loved by God, his Blessed Mother, the Saints, and the Angels. Know that the majority of your parishioners love and appreciate your efforts to draw them closer to God. Know that we pray and sacrifice for you to support you in your gift of self to God. Be comforted by the the fact that you are conforming your life to Jesus crucified and his love will always sustain you.”