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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Knoxville TN. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Knoxville TN. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard
We return this week to our home Diocese of Knoxville and pray for the priests serving the flock in East Tennessee. Dear Fathers, thank you all for your selfless service to God, to the Church, and to us! #priestchalkboard

We return this week to our home Diocese of Knoxville and pray for the priests serving the flock in East Tennessee. Dear Fathers, thank you all for your selfless service to God, to the Church, and to us! #priestchalkboard
We return this week to our home Diocese of Knoxville and pray for the priests serving the flock in East Tennessee. Dear Fathers, thank you all for your selfless service to God, to the Church, and to us! #priestchalkboard

We return this week to our home Diocese of Knoxville and pray for the priests serving the flock in East Tennessee. Dear Fathers, thank you all for your selfless service to God, to the Church, and to us! #priestchalkboard
This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard
This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard
This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard
This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard
This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard
This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard
This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard
This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard
This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard
Our Comic Strip
Vocations News: Coping with COVID-19 and Come and Sees
Yes, 2020 has been quite a year. We managed to get in a couple visits with inquiring women before COVID became a byword and seeming harbinger of all that could go wrong with the year 2020. By lockdown in March it was hoped a few weeks would be sufficient to dispel the plague of 2020. Now, as fall approaches with lifts and more lock downs and Advent promises to arrive quickly, many wouldn’t be blamed for thinking things will never get back to ‘normal’. Even the phrase ‘new normal’ really can’t fit this strange culture of permanent distancing and sanitization. And yet...who really defines normal?
Take the normal process of discerning a vocation to the religious life. Correspondence, a building relationship, an in person visit or visits (Come and See) to experience a little bit of the life, further education and learning, entrance....etc. All the predictable steps that were standard now have a virus template to adapt to. And with our limited capacity to communicate via the internet in our neck of the woods, video meetings over a computer wouldn’t be just another strange hurdle to learn, they would be cost prohibitive given our data caps. You would think with this new COVID-19 ’normal’ that, between social distancing and communications obstacles, we would have to forego welcoming inquirers, candidates, and aspirants. But who really defines normal? God. He can work around EVERYTHING.
So this fall and God willing, into the new year as well, we’ve scheduled women for Come and See experiences, suitably adapted to the precautions of coronavirus. We plan on sharing lots of information and communication in both directions....just not any germs or viruses! It demands creativity, flexibility, and ingenuity. Perhaps we can add the live video stuff someday but for now, God’s providing! #sisterreginacomicstrip
How does the cat discern?
Yes, we are sort of sharing some of our news regarding how we are going to manage Come and See visits during COVID. But, thanks to the amazing qualities of fictional cartoons, we can do so all while respecting the privacy and discretion of the women discerning their possible religious vocations.
When you are lighting a fire with a match or a spark, you are careful not to expose the early flame to too much wind or it will go out. Gunther, however, has no such reservations. And he’s very discriminating about who can rub his ears. #sisterreginacomicstrip
This month we mark Gunther’s (a.k.a. Shadow) first anniversary of arrival. As we don’t know his birthday, we’ll consider this day the one to celebrate. The shy Russian Blue has made himself part of our religious family transitioning from his earlier life as a barn cat mouser to something of a monastic therapy cat with mousing on the side and has endeared himself to all.
We are grateful to God for gifting us with such an extraordinarily polite and gentlemanly cat. And to all the dear souls who have made it possible for us to have him at the monastery as well as those generous cat-lovers eyeing the wish lists for feline related needs.
As Fall approaches people could be forgiven for looking forward to the end of 2020. Or even for anticipating 2021 a little gun shy, leery of what the next disaster might be. There has been no lack of material leaving the year 2020 not only historic but the subject of many jokes as well.
It is well to remind ourselves that the acronym A.D. is more than one system of marking time among others equally useful. It is not simply some utilitarian reflection of the use of a certain calendar. Anno Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, shortened to “A.D.”, was usually placed before the year number to ensure the year was in reference to Jesus. Not the other way around.
Our God is outside time. He is it’s Creator and master. This mysterious thing we call time and place numbers on is neither something we manage nor control. It is not ours except in how we choose to use it. It is a gift. We can ask why A.D. 2020 has been so difficult but it might be better to thank God that we have made it to 2020 at all. This time given to us is a gift. And mercy.
We are never alone
This week we celebrate two great feasts, that of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael followed by the feast of our Guardian Angels. We’re never alone and God’s mighty hosts are always at our side to help us stay on the right path - the path to Heaven.