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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Knoxville TN. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Knoxville TN. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard ...

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We return this week to our home Diocese of Knoxville and pray for the priests serving the flock in East Tennessee. Dear Fathers, thank you all for your selfless service to God, to the Church, and to us! #priestchalkboard

We return this week to our home Diocese of Knoxville and pray for the priests serving the flock in East Tennessee. Dear Fathers, thank you all for your selfless service to God, to the Church, and to us! #priestchalkboard ...

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We return this week to our home Diocese of Knoxville and pray for the priests serving the flock in East Tennessee. Dear Fathers, thank you all for your selfless service to God, to the Church, and to us! #priestchalkboard

We return this week to our home Diocese of Knoxville and pray for the priests serving the flock in East Tennessee. Dear Fathers, thank you all for your selfless service to God, to the Church, and to us! #priestchalkboard ...

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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard ...

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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard ...

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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard ...

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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard ...

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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard ...

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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard ...

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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard ...

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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard ...

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This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard

This week we are praying in a special way for the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL. Each week we will pray for 4 specific priests until we have prayed for all of the priests in the diocese. Please join us! #priestchalkboard ...

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Our Priest ChalkboardLearn more

Our Comic Strip

Meus maxime mortificatsio est vita communis. In English, “My greatest mortification is community life.” Saint John Berchmans

While that can be true, so can a surprising contrast, “Community life is my greatest joy.”

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As Fall approaches people could be forgiven for looking forward to the end of 2020. Or even for anticipating 2021 a little gun shy, leery of what the next disaster might be. There has been no lack of material leaving the year 2020 not only historic but the subject of many jokes as well.

It is well to remind ourselves that the acronym A.D. is more than one system of marking time among others equally useful. It is not simply some utilitarian reflection of the use of a certain calendar. Anno Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, shortened to “A.D.”, was usually placed before the year number to ensure the year was in reference to Jesus. Not the other way around.

Our God is outside time. He is it’s Creator and master. This mysterious thing we call time and place numbers on is neither something we manage nor control. It is not ours except in how we choose to use it. It is a gift. We can ask why A.D. 2020 has been so difficult but it might be better to thank God that we have made it to 2020 at all. This time given to us is a gift. And mercy.


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#SisterReginaComicStrip ...

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There’s much to be excited about this week and it’s not the secularized macabre celebration on Oct 31st of ghouls and goblins and vampires. Rather all Americans, all Knights of Columbus, and all priests - and frankly anyone loving that great cloud of witnesses Saint Paul speaks of - can praise God in thanksgiving for the beatification of Blessed Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus on, appropriately enough, All Hallows’ Eve in Connecticut. How the timing certainly helps put the right perspective on Halloween, All Saints, and All Souls’ Day. How America needs true Saints at this moment in our history! Father McGivney’s cause has moved forward one step but even now, may he intercede for our sin-sick land as he did for physically sick little Mikey Schachle from Tennessee.


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What do you mean, ANOTHER cat?

A news update from Cor Jesu Monastery: Gertrude (named after Saint Gertrude of Nivelles, patron saint of cats and cat least since 1983) joins Gunther in anti-squirrel operations. Though trim and tiny, Gertrude shows great promise as an ally in the squirrel wars. Gunther, now a medically retired hunting veteran, will be showing Gertrude the ropes as to monastic living for cats before he resumes what can only be referred to as ‘therapy cat’ duties. [He refuses the moniker ‘house cat’ and feels he must have a job. He still hunts and patrols indoors.]

But this also means that Shadow, Gunther’s cartoon alter ego, needs his new companion in cartoon-land to have an appropriate name as well. So we are accepting suggestions to suit the duo of a solid 11 pound Russian Blue male 3 year old and a Dilute Tortie female 7 month old who hasn’t approached even 6 pounds on the scale.

May y’all have a Blessed and safe Thanksgiving! We are are grateful for each and every one of you and send a special note of thanks and appreciation to our special veterinarian and her staff.

We’ve also added a few kitten related items to our Amazon wishlist and remain indebted to all our friends and benefactors.


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Groaning Inwardly

Sometimes it seems that many people are focused more on their comfort here in time than in the hereafter. It pays to remember that life is indeed short and eternity long. And the prospect of Heaven’s rewards can be forgotten against the threat of the pains of hell. But thinking of redemption, a redemption that will one day include our resurrected bodies, is no small consolation amid the groans (both inward and outward) that accompany life and aging. In fact, staying focused on following the Lord as he guides us closer to himself for all eternity, makes offering up all our aches and pains not only easier but can transform the offering into an occasion of joy.

Be joyful whether your groans can be heard or not!


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Sister Regina Comic StripLearn more

Knights of Columbus Men of the Hour


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Items We Need

Knights of Columbus "Into the Breach"
