Diamond Dust

A HandmaidNews

If you have to be cold, be cold enough for diamond dust! Diamond dust snapshot at Cor Jesu Monastery in New Market TN. See the short video link also.

Snow Day at Cor Jesu!

A HandmaidNews

We are praying for all impacted by the snow and cold snap and inclement weather, especially if rolling blackouts happen again like Dec 2022. 

There’s Still Time To Double Your Gift!

A HandmaidNews

The Epiphany of Our Lord, on January 7th, is approaching quickly but there is still time to double your gift to the Handmaids and have it matched up to $30,000! Us Nuns, and the leaky roof and wood rot, thank All Y’All for all the help you have so generously sent and that is still to come! For more information, see our post or visit our donation page.

Providence Did Provide!

Providence Can Provide!

Providence Will Provide!

Double Your Gift To The Handmaids!

A HandmaidNews

On Christmas Eve we received an incredibly generous gift and we are still unwrapping it and could use your help to complete the job!  A generous benefactor is asking that you join them in supporting our Community with a monetary donation between now and Sunday January 7th, 2024 (the Epiphany of the Lord), and your donation will be lovingly matched …

Archbishop Shelton Fabre Visits Cor Jesu Monastery

A HandmaidNews, HPB Vocations

We were blessed to have a visit from the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Knoxville, Archbishop Shelton Fabre of Louisville, KY. He took time from his busy schedule to meet all the Handmaids and learn a little about our mission of eucharistic adoration, prayer, and sacrifice for the sanctification of priests. We assured him of our prayers for him during this time of additional responsibility until a new bishop of Knoxville is appointed. We also keep all his priests, seminarians, religious and lay faithful of Louisville in our daily prayers.

Special Community Holy Hour in Union with Rorate Mass in Sacred Heart Cathedral

A HandmaidNews, HPB Vocations

As the only cloistered nuns in East Tennessee the Handmaids of the Precious Blood will remain at Cor Jesu Monastery but unite spiritually by having a special community holy hour of Eucharistic adoration at the same time as the Rorate Mass.  In particular, we will remember all our fellow consecrated religious as well as the formal intention of prayers for the next Bishop appointed to lead the Church in Knoxville.

Another Sudden Farewell: DD John Hitt, Knight of Columbus

A HandmaidNews

The Lord has asked us to bid farewell to three souls this last year. First, our Sister Mary Magdalen on Pentecost, then our former Chaplain Father Ron Stone on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and most recently on the Feast of Saint Lucy District Deputy John Hitt of the Knights of Columbus and parishioner at Holy Ghost parish. All …

Farewell Father Ron

A HandmaidNews

Our Lady takes care of her priests, especially when they strive to faithfully live as other Christs and sons of Mary. Father Ron Stone, a long time confessor for our Community during our years in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe who was incarnated into the Diocese of Knoxville and became Pastor of Holy Cross in Pigeon Forge, was called home …

Aspirant Chrissy Dons Handmaid Colors

A HandmaidNews, HPB Vocations

Aspirant Chrissy can testify to the prayer and hard work with the Labouré Society that enabled her to finally enter our formation discernment group. Not only did she work hard, attend Labouré boot camps, help fund raise for her Labouré Aspirant classes, and attend to her many responsibilities but she also worked through the various phases of Handmaid Aspirancy both …