Our formation group spends a lot of time helping to keep their sisters fed and the kitchen humming along. But that doesn’t mean it’s only work-work-work. As with all duties any of us undertake, it begins and ends with prayer but there is also room for some light-hearted fun. It didn’t seem right, especially during the Easter festivities, to serve …
Let’s Talk About Something OFFENSIVE! Our Vocation is OFFENSIVE!
We understand that many things can be considered impolite and offensive these days. But we want to dive right in and explain why our vocation and mission in the Church is so offensive. We will only apologize for the mixed metaphors. Our Community was founded just after World War II in 1947. After a time of global conflict people …
Archive Treasures: A Eucharistic Life Since the Beginning
Our Founder, Father Gerald, was an entirely Eucharistic priest. He intended his spiritual daughters to live in community together focused and centered on the the Source and Summit of our Faith: Jesus Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Mass, benediction, and eucharistic adoration aren’t just staples; they are absolute necessities in our life. We echo the early martyrs of …
Archive Treasures: Nuns Can Play Games?!
Yes. For those who think its forbidden for nuns to enjoy proper levity and re-creation we want to clarify that the religious life is not without humor, fun, and games. When you give your life to God, he does not intend a life lived in union with him to be one of drudgery but one of deep joy. Joy that …
Feast of the Presentation: Special Holy Hour of Thanksgiving
Since its inauguration by John Paul the Great in 1997, the Church has celebrated the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life every year on February 2nd, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. On this special day it is our custom to renew our vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience at Mass just before receiving Holy Communion. …
It’s Beginning to Smell A Lot Like Christmas!
Though we have held off on decorating, the cleaning has begun and the requisite baking so it’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas! Our Come and See, Sarah, has rolled up her sleeves and joined the formation group under Sister Christiana’s supervision to rollout lots of sugar cookies. Novice Sister Maria Crucis and Postulant Shannon all enjoyed the double …
Monastery Cats: The Formative Years
As many a novice or postulant can tell you, the formation group in a monastery is not shy of humor and entertaining skits to share with the rest of the community. The Handmaids are no exception. In years past, as our archive sharing during our Diamond Jubilee will show, Handmaids found themselves in plays, musicals, humorous skits, and sing-a-longs. This …
Aspirant Chrissy Visits
We were recently blessed that our Aspirant Chrissy was able to make an extended visit. This allowed her to spend time with our formation group and participate in the life of the community and experience the Handmaid charism, especially our lives of sacrifice and eucharistic adoration for the sanctification of priests. She has now returned home to Illinois where she …
Handmaids Send Prayers for Knoxville Vocations Day for Young Women
We were blessed to be able to participate in prayer with the recent Vocations Day for Young Women hosted at Saint Joseph’s School in Knoxville. As we have done in similar venues (Steubenville Vocations Day, FOCUS, or Knights of Columbus conventions) a table was set up so that even the absent cloistered nuns would have some physical presence. We joined …
Aspirant Shannon Enters Postulancy
During this Diamond Jubilee year, we are happy to share with you the news of Aspirant Shannon formally entering the Postulancy on Sunday June 26, 2022. She was clothed in her postulant attire in Chapel receiving the Queen of the Clergy Medal from Mother Sarah Michael. Rejoice with us as we thank God for her vocation and pray that she …
The First Clothing of the Fledgling Group of Handmaids
The first women who came to attempt the founding of the Handmaids of the Precious Blood didn’t waste any time when they arrived in the mountain canyons of New Mexico in 1947. With their official start being chosen at Pentecost that year, falling on May 25th, they were ready to be clothed in their wine red dresses by the Feast …
Our community, the Handmaids of the Precious Blood, is an affiliate member of the Institute on Religious Life (IRL). Their ministry is to support religious communities both active and contemplative, male and female. They are an excellent resource for those discerning their vocation and have expanded their apostolate to include the new venues of social media. In addition to their …