Another Sudden Farewell: DD John Hitt, Knight of Columbus

A HandmaidNews

The Lord has asked us to bid farewell to three souls this last year. First, our Sister Mary Magdalen on Pentecost, then our former Chaplain Father Ron Stone on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and most recently on the Feast of Saint Lucy District Deputy John Hitt of the Knights of Columbus and parishioner at Holy Ghost parish. All …

Still smiling after all the hard work!

Knights Move The Library!

A HandmaidHISTORY, Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus To The Rescue! On September 19th, 2015 a significant step was completed in the move of our old library to the new Cor Jesu Monastery when nearly 6,000 books were carried from our storage area into the still-to-be-assembled library areas of the building. Knights and Knights-to-be came from Sacred Heart Cathedral for the all day moving marathon. …