Father Gerald reunites with his brother after Guadalcanal. We share a snapshot of a page from the archives of an article in The Cambridge Chronicle-Sun from World War II telling the story of Chaplain Captain Gerald Fitzgerald reuniting with his brother Staff Sergeant Edward (Ned) Fitzgerald after three years apart.
It’s Advent! Come, Lord Jesus!
It’s important to keep this holy season and preparation and silent waiting unscathed as much as possible by too early secular incursions of the ‘Happy Holidays’ spirit. Part of this is treasuring Advent specific traditions that are simple but profound. We have the Advent Wreath in the refectory as the Chapel sanctuary area is too small for another source of …
Monastery Cats: The Formative Years
As many a novice or postulant can tell you, the formation group in a monastery is not shy of humor and entertaining skits to share with the rest of the community. The Handmaids are no exception. In years past, as our archive sharing during our Diamond Jubilee will show, Handmaids found themselves in plays, musicals, humorous skits, and sing-a-longs. This …
Archive Treasures: Cor Jesu Core Sample Rock
We share an archive treasure from the more recent past from our arrival in New Market. A Church built upon rock. Cor Jesu Monastery was originally a large lodge in the woods. Before building it, the previous owners had core samples drilled to assess the construction site for suitability. In limestone country it’s understandable that you don’t want to build …
Light for the Priests Garden
We had been having consistent rain and fog for some time but gratefully welcoming it after a drought. Low clouds, heavy fog, rain, and mud described everything outdoors for many days. But not long after celebrating a sung Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was a delight to have a touch of …
Archive Treasures: Music To Our Ears
Saint Augustine is credited with stating, “He who sings prays twice.” And there are variations of this gem and debates about its original source. Some will give the version of “He who sings well prays twice.” While we aren’t sure about that, it’s a pretty good bet that no one can imagine the music of Heaven. Yet we have music …
Archive Treasures: Father Gerald’s Confession Stole
It seemed fitting that as we readied the Advent wreath’s violet and rose candles, we unpacked a violet treasure tucked away in an archive box: Father Gerald’s confessional stole. Carefully folded up in tissue paper with a simple handwritten note labeling it from the year of his death, “Father Gerald, s.P. Confession stole 1969”. One wonders how many absolutions, how …
Archive Treasures: International Eucharistic Congress 1976
As the Catholic Church in America gets its Eucharistic Revival underway, there are plans for a National Eucharistic Congress in July 2024. (For more information visit: https://www.eucharisticrevival.org) As cloistered contemplatives we will only be attending in spirit. But in 1976 we were still a Diocesan Community with a semi-active rule and not yet, enclosed. So we had the honor and …
Holy Cows: They’re Back!
This summer, eyeing some of the nicely mowed grass around the Mary, Mother of Priests Garden, neighboring cows headed over to our hill to sample the wares. They liked it and moved into the Garden but didn’t seem impressed by the view. With coaxing they made their way closer to our fence and then down the hill to Our Lady …
Veterans Day
Happy Veterans Day! Father Gerald Fitzgerald was a priest, a religious, and a founder but he was also a veteran, having served in the U.S. Army in World War II as a Chaplain. He attained the rank of Captain, and was stationed both in the U.S. as well as the Pacific theater. As a priest out to save souls, he …
Archive Treasures: Bishop Reports to Mother about her Sisters
This 1966 letter from the Bishop of Burlington is a happy memory from our time in Vermont. It was the first convent set up outside of New Mexico when the Handmaids from the desert mountain canyon traveled to the colder climate of Vermont. Bishop Robert Joyce was letting the Mother General, Mother Dolorosa, know what he thought of her Sisters. …
Archive Treasures: Pray Constantly – Even while riding a bicycle?
Yes! Constantly! So even an exercise period can become a time of prayer. In this 1988 photo from our Priory in Spokane WA, we see Sister Mary Clare taking a stationary spin on an exercise bike in the tape office. She could easily keep all priests and the needs and intentions of the world in mind seeing the world map …