On March 14th, 2025 we spent a little extra time with Our Lord in a different way – by admiring his marvelous creation during a total lunar eclipse. Each time we witness any spectacle of nature, no matter how small, we can raise a prayer of thanks to the One who made all things and holds them even now in existence.
Christmas 2024 Newsletter!
All of your needs and intentions will be remembered in our Christmas Novena of Masses at our Motherhouse from Dec 25th 2024 to Jan 1st 2025. Please mail us your prayer requests at Cor Jesu Monastery, 596 Callaway Ridge Road, New Market TN 37820 or use our prayer request submission form to send us your intentions. When we are awestruck …
A Long Way From Labouré
The Labouré Society played an important role in making it possible for our new Novice to pursue her vocation. Sr Thérèse Bernadette, and all the Handmaids of the Precious Blood, keep them in our prayers of gratitude. To help them help others visit rescuevocations.org and consider supporting their work.
New Novice: Sister Thérèse Bernadette
Postulant Chrissy enters Novitiate as Sister Thérèse Bernadette of the Most Tender and Compassionate Heart! See our website news blog for more photos!
A Change On Our Amazon Wishlist
We can no longer send a note of thanks via Amazon’s personalized email service for gifts we receive from our Wishlist. You can still email or write us directly to let us know that you’ve sent a donation. Whether we can concretely thank you or not, know you have our prayers of gratitude. God reward you all.
Aurora: The Heavens Declare God’s Glory!
God is as awesome as he is generous. We again enjoyed another aurora display on October 10th like the one in May.
We share more photos taken from the Mary, Mother of Priests Garden over a three hour period on October 10th.
God’s Amazing Beauty: Comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS (or simply C/2023 A3)
Take advantage of the time you have to thank God for all the beauty he surrounds us with, even very, very old comets like Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS!
From Blue to Black: Aspirant Sarah Enters Postulancy!
We may have one less Aspirant but that is only because Sarah entered the Postulancy! Congratulations! And that’s not the only change this month! Guess who is about to enter the Novitiate! Postulant Chrissy!
Free Cloistered Kittens Update
Want kittens? How about exceptional kittens? How about the rarest of kittens? How about CLOISTERED KITTENS? We are fostering six little ones and their Mom while they are nursing and are looking for future kitten parents. Interested parties may email us through our webpage contact email. Meow and God bless you!
A Special Species Shout Out: FREE KITTENS! (And some feline poetry)
FREE KITTENS! Unfortunately Cor Jesu Monastery cannot adopt this cute brood but we knows others might like a chance to get a purrrrrfect companion cat or mouser. Email us at our contact account to inquire.
Books For the Nuns
We could use your help! Some of our formation group Sisters will begin studying Sacramental Theology in September and we could use two paperback copies. We are asking for the paperback reprint from 2018 of the Oxford Handbook of Sacramental Theology
Prayers for the New Bishop of Knoxville!
Congratulations to Bishop James Mark Beckman, newly ordained, consecrated, and installed as the fourth bishop of the Diocese of Knoxville! We hold him in our prayers, our rosaries, the divine office, and most especially in our hours of Eucharistic adoration. May God bless him and Mary hold him close all the days of his life!