Cartoon of our computer, on which we build the contents of the website, looking a little chagrined on the scale. Time to go on a diet!

Website Needs To Go On A Diet!

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, News

Cartoon of our computer, on which we build the contents of the website, looking a little chagrined on the scale. Time to go on a diet!

Our website needs to slim down a bit and it’s not just fasting during Lent!

Many people are familiar with that post holiday syndrome, especially after Christmas, of having put on a few pounds. Websites are no exception. Our IT experts, working with our hosting service, delicately raised the issue of too many photos, too much memory use for images, and we promised to stick to a better diet after some purging. Alas, archive photos have been too much fun to share and we are straining the scales again.

While we work on other venues in which to store our shareable images from our 75 year history, we will be removing some photos and posts. So if you notice a news post or photo missing, it’s all part of the plan. We are grateful to our IT folks helping us translate boxes of archive photos and documents into images we can display on the website, while sticking to the new diet. God bless you!