God blessed us with very fine weather during the last weeks of October and, on a warm and windy day, we took advantage of the conditions to pray the Stations of the Cross together in the Mary, Mother of Priests Tribute Garden. The perimeter of this first phase of the garden is ringed with 14 traditional Stations of the Cross drawn on white metal plates. We used a short set of Stations meditations penned by our Founder, Father Gerald Fitzgerald as we continue to mark the 100th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.
- River Fog at the Mary Mother of Priests Tribute Garden
- Gathering together.
- Sister leads the prayers, reading Father’s brief meditation at each station.
- At the Cross her Station Keeping…
- Spectacular view on a spectacular day
- Moving toward the south side of the Garden
- A small shrine to Our Lady
- Praying Father Gerald’s Stations of the Cross at the Mary, Mother of Priests Tribute Garden
- Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
- The eyes of the heart focused on Our Lord in his Passion.
- The Tenth Station: The Stripping
- Towards the north side.
- We adore you O Christ and we bless you…
Little tidbit: Did you know each post in the garden has a small LED lamp at the top that is solar powered? After nightfall, a ring of light is clearly seen on top of the hill, reminding to keep our dear priests in prayer constantly.