We understand that many things can be considered impolite and offensive these days. But we want to dive right in and explain why our vocation and mission in the Church is so offensive. We will only apologize for the mixed metaphors.
Our Community was founded just after World War II in 1947. After a time of global conflict people anticipated a long period of peace. Our Founder didn’t. He knew the battle of good versus evil would go on until the end of time. He founded us to enter into that spiritual combat with a particular mission – sanctification of priests. As special operators hidden behind the lines (behind the enclosure), so to speak, not to take the fight right to the heart of the enemy, but rather (right under his nose) to the Heart of Christ – the Sacred Heart, the Eucharist.
This actually is offensive warfare on Christ’s side. This is not a defensive, rear guard action. No one has ever been attacked by a gate. We Handmaids, and in fact all Christians, are the ones who are supposed to be kicking in those gates of hell. (cf Matthew 16:18) Nuns just do that from the cloister on our knees before the Lord.