A HandmaidNews, Priests Garden

An early addition to our Mary Mother of Priests Garden was Knoxville’s own Father Randy Stice. We were blessed to have him assigned as our spiritual director and one of our confessors while we lived in Benton TN on the grounds of the Christ, Prince of Peace Retreat Center. Even now he continues to minister to us in New Market …

Placing the names of priests in the Mary Mother of Priests tribute garden

Who is in the Priests Garden: Raymond Cardinal Burke

A HandmaidNews, Priests Garden

It shouldn’t be too surprising that among the names of priests in the Mary, Mother of Priests Garden are some Popes and Cardinals as well as Bishops. As we dug into the red soil of East Tennessee to plant the first post, we knew we would be including the name of the prelate who helped begin our journey to Tennessee …

Who is in the Priests Garden: Father Gregory McCormick

A HandmaidNews, Priests Garden

Among the first names placed in Phase I of our Mary, Mother of Priests Tribute Garden was that of our long time chaplain, Father Gregory McCormick, s.P. A joyous, generous soul deeply imbued with the spirit of our Founder, right down to sharing Father Gerald’s penchant for word puzzles and acrostics in his homilies. Now that Father Gregory is in …

Morning Rainbow in the Priests Garden

A HandmaidNews, Priests Garden

We had a delightful surprise one cool and rainy Sunday morning recently. A morning rainbow unexpectedly appeared and its beautiful double bow ended in the Mary Mother of Priests Garden. For Sisters out catching a quick walk or outdoor rosary, it was a thrill and a treat. Sometimes it pays to pray in the rain!

Light for the Priests Garden

A HandmaidNews, Priests Garden

We had been having consistent rain and fog for some time but gratefully welcoming it after a drought. Low clouds, heavy fog, rain, and mud described everything outdoors for many days. But not long after celebrating a sung Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was a delight to have a touch of …

Holy Cows: They’re Back!

A HandmaidNews, Priests Garden

This summer, eyeing some of the nicely mowed grass around the Mary, Mother of Priests Garden, neighboring cows headed over to our hill to sample the wares. They liked it and moved into the Garden but didn’t seem impressed by the view. With coaxing they made their way closer to our fence and then down the hill to Our Lady …

Surprise Morning View From the Garden

A HandmaidPriests Garden, News

Shortly after we prayed Lauds and Terce, some Sisters out for exercise enjoyed an unexpected treat watching a hot air balloon near the monastery. The burners could be heard as it descended for a landing nearby.  These largely silent aircraft move quietly with the air currents, a beauty that doesn’t disturb the peace around the pastures and hills. We hope …

Summer scenes from our Garden summit

A HandmaidNews, Priests Garden

While the Mary, Mother of Priests Garden isn’t on a mountain summit, it commands a beautiful view from its location on the hilltop, even in the hazy days of summer. Even on clear days of summer.