Collage of some of our photo memories of Saint John Paul the Great

Saint John Paul II

A HandmaidNews, Diamond Jubilee

Our Tribute To Pope Saint John Paul II (originally published to celebrate his beatification in May 2011) Priest…Pope…Son of Mary…. these words describe Saint John Paul II. But how does one describe his impact on one’s soul? When one meets the Vicar of Christ and sees Peter from Galilee as well as Karol from Krakow, what has really happened? Perhaps it …

Aspirant Shannon Enters Postulancy

A HandmaidNews, HPB Vocations

During this Diamond Jubilee year, we are happy to share with you the news of Aspirant Shannon formally entering the Postulancy on Sunday June 26, 2022. She was clothed in her postulant attire in Chapel receiving the Queen of the Clergy Medal from Mother Sarah Michael. Rejoice with us as we thank God for her vocation and pray that she …

Archive Treasures – Father Gerald’s Rosary

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, News

“Dear daughters, if you understand your vocation you are going to be fishers of very big fish – the souls of the Priests of Jesus Christ.  Go fishing for them with the Blessed Mother’s Rosary. It is here in the Chapel that you can do more for them than anywhere else…. But remember, this is a real fishing line…there has …

Of Flowers and Fire

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, News

We have shared in another recent post our gratitude for the many gifts of floral arrangements we received at the start of our Diamond Jubilee Year. You can read about that and see more photos here. Now we want to share why that is so special to us and how it helps us intensify our prayers regarding the drought and …

Effusive, Overflowing Providence: God’s Message in Flowers

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, News

In a short course of days surrounding the kick off of our Diamond Jubilee we were hit over the head, though gently, by God fairly well laughing, delightedly shouting, “See?! See?! Didn’t I tell you I would provide? And more than you dream. TRUST IN ME.” He showed us this in flowers. Two generous donors lavished us with wine red and white …

Trinity Sunday and our Emblem

A HandmaidNews, Diamond Jubilee

We share a photo of an object in the archives of a wooden carving of our emblem that we receive when we take first vows and always speaks to us of the Trinity. By design, our Founder, Father Gerald, chose the triangular shape to honor the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The first emblems were made by the …

Our Corpus Christi Newsletter is Out and the Novena starts tomorrow!

A HandmaidNews, Newsletters

See what we’ve been up to and see how much has been going on in our community in the last few months, especially now that our Diamond Jubilee has begun. Send us your prayer requests that will be included in our Corpus Christi Novena of Masses beginning June 11th. We will place them under the altar.  

God’s Wonderful Rainbows

A HandmaidNews

After a recent spate of severe thunderstorms we had a real treat when the sun began to shine again. A gorgeous rainbow! Wherever these optical phenomena appear in the sky, they remain ever the striking and breathtaking reminder that our God is a God of kept promises and purest beauty. We share a few images and ask you to join …

Archive Treasures – Handmaid Card

A HandmaidNews, Diamond Jubilee

As we explore some of our archive treasures during the year of our Diamond Jubilee, we share this little feast day card. One of many pasted into a special album displaying some detailed and intricate art skills from our sisters in the past. This is just one sample of the time, talent, and love that went into honoring Our Lady …


A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, News

We’ve long been preparing for our diamond jubilee of foundation but that doesn’t mean the celebration is limited to one day. We will celebrate all year. There are just too many graces to thank God for in calling into existence our community and our mission in the Church. Only in eternity will we know all that the Lord desired in …

Sponsoring Printing and Mailing of Our Newsletter

A HandmaidNews, Newsletters

When we published and mailed our Christmas newsletter we announced the cessation of this hard copy bulk mailing due to the increased costs. A typical color printing and mail out ran about $1310 and we can expect higher rates as inflation continues and the economy worsens. We usually have 2 mailings per year. [Black and white is significantly less at …