The Lord has asked us to bid farewell to three souls this last year. First, our Sister Mary Magdalen on Pentecost, then our former Chaplain Father Ron Stone on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and most recently on the Feast of Saint Lucy District Deputy John Hitt of the Knights of Columbus and parishioner at Holy Ghost parish. All were called home to the Lord relatively suddenly but on feast days that serve to reassure us, even in grief, that God’s mysterious ways and times are yet perfect even if we cannot understand them now.

John Hitt is the third from the right at Sister Mary Magdalen’s burial in Blessed Sacrament Cemetery.
John was a generous friend and benefactor to our Community in so many ways. We were tremendously honored to have him serve as a pall bearer at Sister Mary Magdalen’s Funeral Mass and burial, hardly imagining that he would so soon be joining the eternal ranks of God’s beloved ones. We were very moved to learn, when reading the arrangements for his funeral, that in lieu of flowers they were asking that donations be made to our Community. We encompass John’s family and loved ones with our prayers of gratitude to God for his life and his friendship and ask the Lord for his repose of soul.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.