The Labouré Society, faith, finances, and following Christ
It’s common knowledge that many young people graduating college are saddled with large debts and are hampered in their job search and getting a good start in life. But did you know it also has an impact on vocations? A discerning candidate to the seminary or religious life can face years of delay while trying to reduce academic debts.
If you’ve ever met anyone just reaching the realization that God is truly calling them to be his own and serve him in the Church, you probably noticed their eagerness to go right away. And once they’ve discerned the community they’re called to, they want to go yesterday!!
While waiting may allow growth in patience, it may also endanger the vocation itself. The Labouré Society seeks to rescue these at-risk vocations, not with simple debt relief or loans but by working closely with each candidate, both one-on-one and in classes that pool the resources of the candidates, with the assistance of multi-disciplined experts helping many discerners to relieve their debts. They prayerfully mentor them to not only work toward lowering the amount they owe but how to do so in a Christ-centered way that helps them in their faith journey in the Church. The Labouré Society combines what might be called economic genius with genuine inspiration. Finances are part of it, yes. But Faith comes first and the goal is to assist the candidate to be able continue following the Lord’s call and enter the community or seminary that has already accepted them as aspirants. Learn more at their website:
From the Laboure Society’s website rescue on our Aspirant Chrissy
We have an Aspirant, Chrissy, working very hard with her Labouré Society mentors and classmates in order to reach her next step of joining us in residence. If you, or someone you know, would like to assist her in her journey to Cor Jesu Monastery as a possible Handmaid, use the links below to learn more about her and how the Society works with donations to help candidates like Chrissy to answer the ultimate call from Jesus to “Come, Follow Me!”