On the First Friday of July 2017, July 7th, we were blessed by God to have the Profession of Final Vows as a Handmaid of the Precious Blood of Sister Christiana of Christ the King. Bishop Richard F. Stika, Bishop of Knoxville, celebrated the Mass and in addition, we were honored to have His Eminence Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop Emeritis of Philadelphia, concelebrating. Sister Christiana’s family, from Cleveland, TN, were also in attendance. Sister Christiana is the first Tennessean to join our religious family since we moved to the Diocese in 2013. We rejoice and thank God for the gift of her life and vocation with us For Christ In His Priest.
- Celebrating Final Vows during the Centenary of Fatima
- Our Lord, exposed in the monstrance, waits for his bride.
- Holy Gospels, Baptismal Candle, Vow Formula
- Symbols of Our Consecration
- Yes, the Crown of Thorns is real.
- Bishop Stika blesses the Crown and Ring
- Benediction prior to the Mass of Religious Profession
- Sacramentary open to the Mass for Religious Profession
- Bishop Richard F. Stika of Knoxville, Celebrant
- Justin Cardinal Rigali, Archbishop Emeritus of Philadelphia, Concelebrant
- Rev. Mother questions Sister as to her desire to make her profession
- Lighting her baptismal candle from the paschal candle
- Sister kneels and makes the sign of the cross before making her Final Profession as a Handmaid of the Precious Blood
- Sister, holding her baptismal candle makes her vows
- Sister signs the vow formula on top of the Holy Gospels
- Clasped Hands
- Bishop Stika signs the vow formula
- Slipping the ring on the Bride of Christ
- Ring of a Finally Professed Handmaid of the Precious Blood
- Receive the Crown of Virginal Excellence
- Happy hugs
- Formal presentation to the community
- Though a humble, small Chapel it is here that Jesus comes to us daily
- We were honored to have Cardinal Rigali concelebrate
- Everyone gathers to celebrate
- On her vow day, flowers for her King
- Sister Christiana of Christ the King
- Sister Christiana with her Mom Sandy and sister Sunny