“Behold, I come, O Lord, that I may do your will. I have vowed it, and your law lies deep within me.” – Entrance Antiphon for the Mass of Religious Profession
Several Handmaids of the Precious Blood mark the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel as their vow day, but this year it was very special for Sister Mary Theresa as it marked her Silver Jubilee, twenty-five years in vows. A former biochemistry professor and avid mountain climber, she became a cloistered nun to seek the Creator of the beauty she had encountered in microscopes and mountain-scapes. Now, having persevered living the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience for Christ for a quarter century, she looks forward to a future ever closer to her crucified Spouse. Join us in prayers of gratitude for Sister’s joyous “FIAT!” that she lives so gently and gracefully every day.
- Flowers for the Jubilee
- The former hiker happy in the East Tennessee hills
- Benediction
- Father blesses Sister’s original crown of thorns, now decorated in silver
- “I hereby renew my vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience…”
- Sister signs her renewal of vows
- A VERY Joyful Bride of Christ
- The Body of Christ
- After Mass Father Andres Cano gives Sister a special blessing
- Sister Mary Theresa’s candle is placed on the high altar.
- Miniature tapestry of Our Lady watches over the refectory
- Every table gets a special centerpiece
- Spelled out amid the flowers J O Y Jesus Only You!