More milestones for the formation group sisters as Postulant Chrissy entered the Novitiate on the 130th birthday of our Founder Father Gerald, October 29th, 2024. The previous day Father Randy Stice blessed the habit, scapular, coif, veil, cincture, and side rosary she will wear as a Novice. While the clothing ceremony is simple, it is a significant step forward in more deeply living the Handmaid life. From Novitiate onward, the candidate is addressed as Sister and receives a new name and title in religion. Postulants can submit three names and titles they would like to receive but ultimately it is the decision of the Mother Prioress inspired by the Holy Spirit. Usually the title reflects a devotion or aspect of the Faith that deeply resonates with the discerner. No one knows the chosen name until Rev. Mother announces it publicly after the clothing when the newly invested Novice kneels before her to begin this next exciting part of her journey. So it isn’t just the new Novice who is eager to hear the name. The whole Community is waiting with bated breath, some, perhaps, having holy little ‘bets’ if they guessed her name ahead of time correctly.
“You will be known in religion as [long pause……]
Sister Thérèse Bernadette of the Most Tender and Compassionate Heart”
This is also the time when the Feast Day of the Novice is announced. Sister’s Feast Day is October 1st in honor of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus.
There is a period of adjustment as the rest of the Community adjusts to seeing not a black veil of a Postulant but a white one as well as addressing Sister properly. One can expect to pray an extra Hail Mary, Memorare, or Rosary for mistakes. It’s a beautiful adjustment and everyone celebrates.
Congratulations Sister! Please join us in praying for her joy and perseverance.
- The day prior to investiture the habit, scapular, coif, veil, cincture, and side rosary are placed before Our Lord until they are blessed.
- Father Randy Stice blesses the items that Postulant Chrissy will be clothed with when she receives the habit as a Novice.
- The investiture takes place before Our Lord exposed in the monstrance. Here the community sings a hymn at the beginning of the ceremony.
- With prayers for each item, Reverend Mother Sarah Michael bestows the habit to be worn.
- Receive this habit…
- Postulant Chrissy kisses the blessed crucifix she will wear on her side rosary.
- Mother gestures to her daughter, it’s time to be vested as a new novice.
- Processing out of our Mass Chapel to the Sacristy.
- Smiling sister returns wondering what her new name and title will be.
- Receive the Rule of Life to study and pray.
- You will be known in religion as Sister Thérèse Bernadette of the Most Tender and Compassionate Heart
- Sister Thérèse Bernadette smiles as Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament looks on.
- Happy hugs
- Jumping for joy…Postulant greets the new Novice
- Sister’s mother Sharon and family friend Patty were able to be present for the special day.
- Sister cuts the cake