One of the many fruits of our Diamond Jubilee year and its aftermath has been opening the archives and sharing the many hidden treasures from our past. In particular, it’s allowed our formation Sisters to learn more about the Handmaid pioneers that went before us, even as we continue on our own type of pioneering journey in East Tennessee. So displays featuring Handmaids around the anniversary of their passing have been put up for periods in our Chapter room area. For the newer generations it is a chance to put a name to a face and pray in gratitude for the perseverance of our forebears. For others, it’s a warm remembrance of fellow and dear Brides of Christ with whom they lived and prayed and worked and laughed. The photos and other items shared bring forth a flood of memories and stories to tell and give each one of us an opportunity to thank God for their fidelity and loyalty to the Church and to our Founder’s charism. None of them had it easy. But their ‘fighting the good fight’ so many years ago urges us on to continue our mission for Christ in His Priest anew.
- Learning about Handmaids that preceded us.
- Gone but never forgotten.
- One of the displays.
- Close up of another set of displays.
- A glimpse into the past under the watchful eyes of Our Lady, the First Handmaid of the Lord.