Our two Handmaid Sisters from Lake Villa were ALL smiles, very happy Handmaids, when they arrived at their new HOME in East Tennessee on May 10th, 2016. Despite all the work leading up to packing and flying out, the car rides to and from the airports, and a delayed flight to boot, they stepped onto Appalachian soil refreshed and joyful and happily overcome at the peace and beauty their first glance at the land afforded them. Most of all, though, the most beautiful thing to see was long missed Handmaids. Though two were officially ‘homecoming’; every Sister in wine red beamed with delight at this moment of family reunion.
They came straight from the airport and stopped first at Blessed Sacrament Cemetery to pay their respects to all our departed Handmaids, most especially our dear Sister Mel Pierre, who they had been able to visit when she was in hospice. Then they drove to Cor Jesu Monastery and the car had hardly parked when they emerged and were swarmed by Handmaids full of welcoming hugs. Not content with that, we cheered and clapped at their official entrance through the door before bringing them to see the Master of the house, Our Lord in the tabernacle in the Oratory. After silent prayers of nearly inexpressible thanks, the two not-so-weary travelers had a quick tour of Cor Jesu. A frequent expression caught on camera, other than smiles of course, was an open mouth as they took in the views for the first time and began to appreciate the great gift this has been for all of us…to live here. But today, a greater gift was received. Our Sisters came home.
We pray for the trio (three in honor of the Trinity!) staying for one more week in Illinois to prepare for the final move. We are also, as always, indebted to the amazing Knights of Columbus (both in Tennessee and in Illinois) for providing more assistance than we can imagine.
- Sisters don’t even wait for the car to park before they are out hugging and greeting all alike. A wonderful homecoming!
- Our newest Handmaid welcomes our soon-to-be Golden Jubilarian home.
- One of the views the Sisters enjoyed for the first time when they arrived at Cor Jesu Monastery.
- The Handmaids already resident in East Tennessee show their newly come Sisters the sunset view off the deck towards Blessed Sacrament Cemetery.
- Sister reacts to the view off the porch of the Holston River and surrounding country.
- Mother shows the arriving Sisters the refectory board with priests names on it for this week and the Diocesan seminarian poster.
- Until the monastery is built, this is the arriving Sisters’ new home: Mater Dei