On this date, May 25th, 1947, the Feast of Pentecost, the Handmaids of the Precious Blood began in Jemez Springs, NM. To celebrate our 73rd Anniversary of Foundation Day we want to share a few archive photos. We thank God for our Founder, Father Gerald, and the pioneering spirit of our first Handmaids. When you give your life to God, you never know what unexpected, and sometimes very exciting, things lie ahead. You could be adoring Our Lord in chapel, diligently attending to paperwork, or driving around mountain canyons in a WWII era Jeep in full habit! The challenges, rewards, and adventure haven’t changed and we look forward to the years ahead, offering everything we can for the sanctification of priests.
A brief history can be read here.
- Early preparations: Our Founder with Santa Fe Archbishop Edwin Byrne
- Ora et Labora: Adoration and Paperwork
- Full habits in a jeep! Not quite the movie “Come To The Stable”, but much more adventurous!