We enjoyed a beautiful Mass and Procession at Cor Jesu Monastery on June 2nd, 2024 thanks to the generosity of Father Randy Stice. The days leading up to the Solemnity were full of energetic preparation, from special menu planning and cooking in the kitchen to heavy cleaning of furniture and outdoor areas to be used as Stations and continuing through to the many to-do lists to be accomplished like moving our Mass Chapel and Benediction items from Mater Dei down the gravel road to Cor Jesu proper. Programs had to be made, hymns selected, altar cloths prepared etc., but we were happy to be preparing for the day when we mark, in a special way, the Source and Summit of our Catholic Faith: The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
As if to encourage us in our preparations, God providentially arranged such rains this spring that the Easter lilies, tiger lilies, and calla lilies were in full bloom. As a result, every station had real flowers. The birds must have heard all the news as they joined in our hymn singing with their own songs when we processed outside. Surrounded by the woods in a soft rain with a brightening sky made for glorious natural lighting for the Light of Life himself. The Eucharist seemed to glow in the monstrance photos that were taken when the luna faced west and caught the colors of the woods and river. Our rustic mountain cabin deck transformed into a green cathedral in honor of our Lord.
We extend a special thanks again to Father for helping us prepare, set up, and celebrate the greatest Sacrament of Sacraments, the Eucharist in this beautiful way. Corpus Christi, Dominus Est!