All of your needs and intentions will be remembered in our Christmas Novena of Masses at our Motherhouse from Dec 25th 2024 to Jan 1st 2025. Please mail us your prayer requests at Cor Jesu Monastery, 596 Callaway Ridge Road, New Market TN 37820 or use our prayer request submission form to send us your intentions.
“Everything is given to us to draw us nearer to God. His reflection is in all things in our life; we can see Beauty everywhere.”
-Fr Gerald, sP

When we are awestruck by the beauties of creation, it is to draw us to our Creator in thanksgiving. Creation is a gift to us from God.
When we are awestruck by the beauties of creation, it is to draw us to our Creator in thanksgiving. Creation is a gift to us from God.
Likewise, we can be struck by the act of a soul choosing to draw closer to God and give all their being to him in a vocation entirely dedicated to the Lord. This too is beautiful. Aspirant Sarah moved forward into Postulancy and Postulant Chrissy entered the Novitiate as Sister Thérèse Bernadette.

While our Founder was exemplary in living joyful gratitude for everything including creation, he especially pointed out that God’s greatest gift to man was the priesthood because priests bring us Jesus Christ. He felt man’s greatest gift to God is a priest faithfully fulfilling his vocation as another Christ. We pray and sacrifice for that and rejoice in knowing so many priests are striving for holiness like our new Bishop, Bishop James Mark Beckmann, who was ordained and installed as the 4th Bishop the Diocese of Knoxville in July.
There is also the beauty in living in a religious family as Sisters and the extended network of Oblates, Lay Associates, Confraternity Members, family, friends, and benefactors who support us in action and, most importantly, in prayer.
What is the greatest beauty? God. And how blessed we are to have him in his Real Presence! The US Eucharistic Revival enters it’s third year focusing on Eucharistic Evangelization, a very tangible way to proclaim hope to many souls hungry for beauty. It dovetails into the Jubilee Year of Hope. When you learn to find beauty in everything and see God in it, you have hope even in the most difficult of circumstances. Beauty reminds us God is present.
Let us pray for each other very much. Have a blessed 2025.

Breathtaking aurora…for the SECOND time in 2024 in East Tennessee! Greens and even reds visible to the naked eye!

CLICK HERE FOR MORE NIGHT SKY PHOTOS! In both May and October we were treated to rare and beautiful celestial surprises: Aurora Borealis in the South and a rare once-every-80,000-years comet!

Everything is given to us to draw us nearer to God. His reflection is in all things in our life: we can see Beauty everywhere. – Fr. Gerald, sP
CLICK HERE FOR MORE PHOTOS OF THE NATURAL BEAUTY OF BIG AND LITTLE CREATURES AND CRITTERS From fawns to bears and fostering (temporarily) five nursing kittens and their mom, we had ample opportunity to marvel at God’s small, and not-so-small, creatures. And we are happy to report that all five kittens found good homes and the mother, after two unexpected litters, is now safely fixed and resuming her former life outside the monastery. Gertrude and Gunther suspected something was up when they could catch a sniff of ‘other cat’ on the Sisters taking care of the brood but they have forgiven us. And the black bear has not returned.

Corpus Christi at Cor Jesu Monastery was worth all the cleaning and furniture moving to have the privilege of adoring and honoring Our Lord this way. Thank you Father Stice!

We are happy to share that our younger and newer aspiring Handmaid Sisters moved forward in their formation. Sarah arrived with her parents Tim and Anne and entered Aspirancy in residence and later moved into Postulancy.

Postulant Chrissy reached a big milestone of entering the Novitiate. This stage is marked by the clothing in the Handmaid of the Precious Blood habit and the bestowal of the new Novice’s name and the title in religion. For the occasion, we were blessed to have her mother Sharon and friend Patty join her for the event. Chrissy is now known as Novice Sister Thérèse Bernadette of the Most Tender and Compassionate Heart and we rejoice with her and Sarah.

Farewell to Beautiful Souls and Faithful Servants; both family and friends

Rev. Msgr. Gilberto De Santis, our longtime Chaplain from our Priory in Capena, Italy was called to his eternal rest October 28th, 2024. Well done, good and faithful servant! Don Gilberto’s name was one of the very first placed in the first phase of our Mary, Mother of Priests Garden.

Oblate of the Precious Blood Conchita Melendez, mother of our Sister Maristella,
passed away on September 19th, 2024.