During this Diamond Jubilee year, we are happy to share with you the news of Aspirant Shannon formally entering the Postulancy on Sunday June 26, 2022. She was clothed in her postulant attire in Chapel receiving the Queen of the Clergy Medal from Mother Sarah Michael. Rejoice with us as we thank God for her vocation and pray that she will receive all the necessary graces to discern and follow the Lord’s will as she moves forward in formation. Deo Gratias!
- Just prior to Lauds, the Community gathers for a simple ceremony where Aspirant Shannon enters the Postulancy.
- In the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament Rev. Mother Sarah Michael presents Shannon before the Lord as she moves forward in discernment of her vocation.
- Special prayers offered for Shannon before she is given a medal of Our Lady, Queen of the Clergy.
- All smiles outside the Chapel as the Sisters congratulate the new Postulant and assure her of our prayers.