On Wednesday May 17th, Postulant Shannon was clothed as a Handmaid of the Precious Blood and formally received her name in religion as Sister Francis Clare of the Eternal High Priest. The ceremony took place before Our Lord in Chapel prior to Benediction and Mass and we share some photos from the special day as she received her blessed habit, coif, rosary, and our Rule of life. As a little known aside, everyone in the Chapel is also given a small piece of paper with her name and title so we can learn it and spell it correctly. Every mistake is paid for with extra prayers for our new novice! Deo Gratias!
To learn more about the habit of the Handmaids of the Precious Blood, please visit this page.
- Sitting in our Lord’s presence, the new novice’s religious attire awaits the blessing of a priest.
- Father Andres Cano blesses the habit, coif, veil, rosary and cincture the day before our Postulant’s retreat ends.
- Receive this Rosary. Draw priestly souls back to Christ through Our Lady’s intercession.
- Rev. Mother gestures for the soon-to-be novice to be clothed in the garb she has received.
- Receive this Rule of Life
- Your new name in religion will be….
- A proud Mom hugs her daughter.
- The new novice gets a hug from her sister Emma.
- Sister Seamstress makes a small adjustment to the coif and veil.
- Handmaid JOY all around.
- Sister Francis Clare’s mother, Suzanne, joins the Handmaids for a photo after the ceremony and Mass.
- Sister Francis Clare approves of the cake that has FIAT written on it.