Archive Treasures: Meeting Saint Paul VI

A HandmaidHISTORY, Diamond Jubilee, News

Mother Dolorosa and Sister Bernadette (who would become the next Mother) greet Pope Paul VI during a visit to Rome. They were delighted to meet the successor to Peter and the Vicar of Christ on Earth but might not have guessed how soon he would be canonized.

Retreat Into The Desert: Sep 16 – Oct 4, 2022

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, News

We read in the prophet Hosea of God seeking to re-establish his relationship with Israel using the imagery of alluring her into the desert to speak tenderly to her again. (cf Hosea 2) We are off to the desert to wait in silence and solitude before our Lord in our annual retreat. Half the Sisters work as Marthas while half …

Our Lady of Sorrows

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, News

Continuing on with our Diamond Jubilee, we made a small Lady of Sorrows display in our Cor Jesu Refectory of various cards, programs, and tableau photos depicting how the Handmaids marked this beautiful feast of our Blessed Mother. 

Archive Treasures: Getting down to work

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, News

Sometimes when photos are taken, gathered, and placed in an album people might wonder, “Why did you take a photo of THAT?” This is true particularly when it seems like an everyday, ordinary thing or task. But, with the passage of time, even the plain-old stuff becomes vastly more interesting. When these ‘secretarial’ photos were taken they didn’t seem like …

Caring for the Archives

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee, News

Family, friends, and benefactors who have been in contact with our community over the decades know that we have moved our Motherhouse twice in the last ten years. First, in 2013 when we moved from Jemez Springs, New Mexico to Benton, Tennessee and then again in 2015 from Benton to New Market Tennessee. With 75 years of archives moving with …

Archive Treasures: A peek at Vermont Snow…in August!

A HandmaidDiamond Jubilee

The first convent outside of New Mexico was to another climate far different from the desert southwest: Vermont! Randolph, VT was the location of the Precious Blood convent and the Handmaids sent there had plenty of opportunities to enjoy the marvels of winter, especially shoveling snow! Enjoy these old photos, posted in a Tennessee August, to cool down a bit …


A HandmaidNews, Diamond Jubilee

In 1947, when our Founder Father Gerald began two religious communities, he considered the bishop who invited his apostolate of prayer for priests into his diocese to be a co-founder. In the very early pioneering days Archbishop Edwin Byrne of Santa Fe met with and celebrated Mass for the early Handmaids with fatherly regularity. We are happy to have in …


A HandmaidNews, Diamond Jubilee, HISTORY

Of the first women who came to join the Handmaids of the Precious Blood in May 1947 only one, Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity, persevered. Yet she was paralyzed below the waist from polio. Perhaps, like the late Cardinal George who contracted polio at 13 and was thus rejected by a Chicago preparatory seminary, Sister Elizabeth also experienced rejection and …

What Makes A Hero? A Fast Founder Fact

A HandmaidNews, Diamond Jubilee

As we look at the world today, we see many people longing again for heroes and leaders. The best heroes are the saints and godly men and women willing to give their lives for others. Our Founder would never have considered himself a hero. However, here is a little known story about Father Gerald: In 1954 some campers in the Jemez …

Collage of some of our photo memories of Saint John Paul the Great

Saint John Paul II

A HandmaidNews, Diamond Jubilee

Our Tribute To Pope Saint John Paul II (originally published to celebrate his beatification in May 2011) Priest…Pope…Son of Mary…. these words describe Saint John Paul II. But how does one describe his impact on one’s soul? When one meets the Vicar of Christ and sees Peter from Galilee as well as Karol from Krakow, what has really happened? Perhaps it …

Collage of some of our photo memories of Saint John Paul the Great

Saint John Paul II

A HandmaidNews, Diamond Jubilee

Our Tribute To Pope Saint John Paul II (originally published to celebrate his beatification in May 2011) Priest…Pope…Son of Mary…. these words describe Saint John Paul II. But how does one describe his impact on one’s soul? When one meets the Vicar of Christ and sees Peter from Galilee as well as Karol from Krakow, what has really happened? Perhaps it …